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Fresno State Police Department

Parking Permits

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Spring 2025 Student parking permits are on sale now!

How to Purchase Your Virtual Parking Permit:

  1. Log into the Fresno State Parking Portal here:
  2. Select Buy Permit.
  3. Choose Permit Type from the available options.
  4. Add vehicle information and submit.
  5. Proceed to Pay Now and enter payment details.
  6. Once payment is processed, the Permit Details page will display transaction information.
  7. The permit is now virtual and linked to the vehicle’s license plate number.

For more detailed instructions on how to purchase your virtual permit

To change the VEHICLE assigned to your VIRTUAL PERMIT:

Follow these simple steps to update your license plate:

  • Log into the Parking Portal
    • Click on Permits > My Permits to find your assigned license plate.
  • Verify Your Vehicle Information
    • Make sure the correct vehicle is linked to your permit.
  • Edit Your License Plate
    • Go back to Permits > Edit Profile
    • Scroll down, select the license plate assigned to your permit (DO NOT DELETE IT).
    • Update the plate number and vehicle details.
  • Save Your Changes
    • Click Save after editing.
    • Scroll down and click Save again at the bottom of the page.
  • Confirm the Update
    • Return to My Permits to verify that the new vehicle information is saved correctly.

Note:  Delete any extra license plates from your profile and keep only the one assigned to your permit. Every time you need to update your vehicle, follow the steps above. 

Do not delete the license plate assigned to your permit. 

Virtual Permit FAQs

License Plate Recognition or Virtual Permit is a system of cameras and software that are placed on parking patrol vehicles for the purpose of scanning license plates to ascertain whether vehicles parked on campus have appropriate parking privileges.​​​​​

Individuals will register their license plate, vehicle, make, and model into the online parking system when purchasing their virtual permits. The LPR software then combines this information with the individual’s payment and generates a virtual permit linked to that vehicle’s license plate number.

Students who purchase virtual green permits are authorized to park in posted green parking lots, just as you did with your physical permit. 

Community Service Specialists patrol the campus capturing the license plate information, this information is then transmitted to the parking portal to verify if the license plate captured has a valid virtual permit associated with it. If the vehicle license plate is not associated with a valid permit a citational may be issued. 

  1. Log into the Fresno State Parking Portal here:
  2. Select Buy Permit.
  3. Choose Permit Type from the available options.
  4. Add vehicle information and submit.
  5. Proceed to Pay Now and enter payment details.
  6. Once payment is processed, the Permit Details page will display transaction information.
  7. The permit is now virtual and linked to the vehicle’s license plate number.

No, the virtual permit system uses your license plate as the identifier, no permit needs to be displayed. 

Follow these simple steps to update your license plate:

  • Log into the Parking Portal
    • Click on Permits > My Permits to find your assigned license plate.
  • Verify Your Vehicle Information
    • Make sure the correct vehicle is linked to your permit.
  • Edit Your License Plate
    • Go back to Permits > Edit Profile
    • Scroll down, select the license plate assigned to your permit (DO NOT DELETE IT).
    • Update the plate number and vehicle details.
  • Save Your Changes
    • Click Save after editing.
    • Scroll down and click Save again at the bottom of the page.
  • Confirm the Update
    • Return to My Permits to verify that the new vehicle information is saved correctly.

Note:  Delete any extra license plates from your profile and keep only the one assigned to your permit. Every time you need to update your vehicle, follow the steps above. 

Do not delete the license plate assigned to your permit. 

No, the virtual permit can only be associated with the vehicle under your personal account.

Temporary plates may be registered by entering the temporary plate number as the Vehicle License Plate. As soon as you receive your permanent plate from the California Department of Moter Vehicles (DMV) please update the plate number associated with your permit in the parking portal. 

If you have a personalized plate with less than 7 characters, or if you have a special character within your plate (heart, star, etc.), please skip the special character when entering the number into the system and simply include the remaining characters on the plate.

Example: If your plate is I<3DOGS, you would enter as “IDOGS” during the online purchase process.

The vehicle license plate must be completely visible from the entrance of the parking space. 

Always double-check your details when registering. Incorrect information may result in citations. If you notice an error, correct it immediately through your parking portal. 

Yes! Fresno State has transitioned to fully paperless permitting for those purchasing daily permits. Daily permits can be purchased through the PayByPhone App or at one of the 13 permit kiosks located on campus. 

The LPR system will read motorcycle license plates in the same manner as vehicle license plates. Once you purchase a motorcycle permit, please ensure you enter your motorcycle license plate information correctly.

P27 - Resident Parking

Parking Lot P27 is designated exclusively for students living in Student Housing. To park in P27, students must clearly  display a "Resident" parking permit in their vehicle. This permit is only valid in P27. Eligible students will receive instructions on how to request their Resident parking permit directly from Student Housing.

Prorated Permit Pricing

Fees for portions of academic year and semester parking permits shall be paid in accordance with the following schedule:

Day of Semester % of Fee Cycles Vehicle (Semester) Vehicle (Annual-AY)
1-30 days 100% $17.00 $93.00 $186.00
31-60 days 75% $12.75 $69.75 $162.75
61-90 days 50% $8.50 $46.50 $139.50
91-End 25% $4.25 $23.25 $116.25


Parking permit refunds require the permit to be returned to Traffic Operations and deactivated upon submission of the Parking Refund Request Form.  Requests received prior to the first day of instruction or due to verified course modality reasons are eligible for a full refund.  Requests received on or after the first day of instruction are eligible for a prorated refund based on the following schedule:

Day of Semester % of Fee Cycles Auto Semester Auto Annual (AY)
1-30 days 75% $12.75 $69.75 $162.75
31-60 days 50% $8.50 $46.50 $139.50
61-90 days 25% $4.25 $23.25 $116.25
91-End 0% $0.00 $0.00 $93.00

Contact Information

Emergency - Call 911

P 559.278.2950
F 559.278.7538

Traffic Operations
2311 E Barstow Ave
Mail Stop PO14
Fresno, CA 93740

Business Hours

7:30 am - 4:00 pm