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Payroll Services

Student Assistant FAQ

Below find general information on the hiring and enrollment requirements for Student Assistants as well as student pay information.

Student Assistants are hired by departments.  Departments are responsible for updating student employment records in PeopleSoft. Departments must direct all student assistants to Human Resources to complete employment forms.

By law, all employees are required to complete the employment documents on or before their first day of work. Students who do not complete this requirement are not authorized to work. All employment documents can be completed at Human Resources, Joyal Room 211. The verification process requires documents that establish work eligibility and identity. The list of acceptable documents can be found on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services - Form I-9 Acceptable Documents.

Additionally, the Chancellor's Office requires new employees to present thier Social Security Card for payroll purposes.

The new hire forms are found in the Forms and Publications Student Assistant Forms section. 

Student assistants must be currently enrolled at Fresno State.  The minimum units for undergraduates are 6 units and 4 units for those enrolled in graduate work. 

Continuing students must haven taken courses in the preceding spring semester and be accepted for classes in the following fall semester in order to be eligible for employment during the summer. (If the student graduated, they are eligible to work as a Bridge Student Assistant for the period up until the new term begins immediately following graduating. For example, a student who graduates at the end of the Fall term, may work, as a Bridge student up until the day before the Spring semester begins. A student who graduates at the end of the Spring term, may work, as a Bridge student, up until the day before the Fall semester begins.)

Students employed under the Student Assistant or Work-Study class code are limited to a maximum of 20 hours of work per week in combination of jobs during any week in which regular classes are scheduled.  

Students may work up to, but not more than 40 hours per week during any week in which classes are not is session.  

Student assistants are not eligible for overtime.

For information regarding the Student Assistant job classifications as well as the pay range, refer to the CSU Salary Schedule.

  1. Key in 1870 in the search box. The results will bring up a summary page.
  2. Click on the 1870 hyperlink under Class for details.

Department Resonsibilities
Department Employee - Go to HR/Payroll Services
Hiring Change Name
Change Pay Rate Change Address
Termination Change Tax Withholding
Summer Bridge Change Citizenship Status
Notification of Late Timesheets Update Work Authorization

All student assistants are required to complete a timesheet though the MyFresnoState portal for every pay period during which they are employed and submit the hours to the department’s timekeeper in a timely manner in order to meet processing deadlines. If the timesheet is submitted late by the student, then the department must notify the appropriate Payroll Technician. Hours worked will be processed manually causing a delay in payment.

Enter time on the timesheet in whole hours and 10ths.  Do not use fractions.  For example: 2-1/2 hours worked is entered on the voucher as 2.5.  See Minute Conversion Chart

Wages earned while in Bridge employment are subject to retirement (7.5%) and Medicare tax (1.45%) deductions. For more information visit the Bridge Student Assistants page. Retirement funds that have been deducted from bridge employees can only be withdrawn 90 days after separation. Please see the PST Refund Form.

Checks are available at the Cashier’s Window, lcoated in the Joyal Administration South Lobby. Call the Cashier’s Office at 559.278.2641 for more information. Quick access to Direct Deposit advices may be viewed by registering for Cal Employee Connect or on the MyFresnoState portal (Employee Self Service > Payroll and Compensation > View Paycheck) and are available at the end of the month. 

All student assistants are covered by Workers’ Compensation Insurance. All accidents, regardless of how small, must be reported to the work site supervisor as soon as possible. Failure to notify the supervisor promptly of an injury may relieve the State of responsibility or liability.

Student Assistants are not eligible for Medical, Dental, or Vision insurance.

After January 15th, the State Controller's Office will mail your W-2 to the address on file in their database.  It is important to keep your mailing (not home) address current.  You can change your mailing address on PeopleSoft using Employee Self Service or by completing an Employee Action Request form (EAR).