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Payroll Services

Timekeeper Guides

Student Employees New Hire Process Guide

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This user's guide provides the department Timekeeper step-by-step instruction on how the student new hire will complete the Online Form I-9 as well as other new hire paperwork required. Federal law mandates that all new employees must complete Section 1 of Form I-9 prior to or on his/her first day of work. New employees are required to submit to the Human Resources Department original documents verifying his/her identity within 3 days of hire.

Monitor, Edit and Approve Student Time

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This business process guide provides department Timekeepers and Managers step-by-step instruction on use of MyFRESNOSTATE to view, edit, and approve student employee time. Student employees are to enter their time worked at the end of each business day. As department Timekeeper, you must approve student assistant time regularly (daily or weekly) via PeopleSoft Reported Time. You will also be responsible for updating and/or changing chartfields, updating and/or changing "reports to", and running the monthly Department Paysheet report to verify hours paid by specific chartfields.

Monitor, Edit and Approve Student Time - AG Ops

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This business process guide provides department Timekeepers and Managers step-by-step instruction on use of MyFRESNOSTATE to view, edit, and approve student employee time.

Student employees are to enter their time worked at the end of each business day. As department Timekeeper, you must approve student assistant time regularly (daily or weekly) via PeopleSoft Reported Time. You will also be responsible for updating and/or changing chartfields, updating and/or changing "reports to", and running the monthly Department Paysheet report to verify hours paid by specific chartfields.