CalPERS Retirement Program
The California Public Employee Retirement System, also known as CalPERS, is a defined benefit retirement plan and is coordinated with Social Security. CSU, Fresno employees, other than Peace Officers, who are members of the CalPERS system are in the “State Miscellaneous, First Tier” plan.
In a defined benefit retirement plan, you will receive a lifetime benefit determined by a set formula. CalPERS uses your credited years of service, age at retirement, and highest one-year compensation or three-year compensation while employed.
CalPERS Membership
The California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) is an agency in the California executive branch that manages pension and health benefits for more than 1.6 million California public employees, retirees, and their families.
Membership with CalPERS is based on full-time employment for more than six months or half-time employment for more than one year. Lecturers become members at the beginning of their fourth consecutive quarter at half-time or more, (7.5 units).
Membership is mandatory for qualifying employees. Employees excluded from CalPERS membership are covered by the Part-Time, Seasonal and Temporary Retirement Plan ("PST") administered through SavingsPlus.
Employees excluded from CalPERS membership are covered by the CSU Part Time Retirement Plan also known as the Part-Time Seasonal, Temporary Employees Retirement (PST) Program.
CalPERS Retirement Pension
You can track your retirement funds and get pension estimates by Creating a MyCalPERS Account.
CalPERS is a defined benefit retirement plan. It provides benefits based on members' years of service, age, and highest consecutive 12 months or consecutive 36 months compensation. In addition, benefits are provided for disability, death, and to survivors or beneficiaries of eligible members. Note: Some members are subject to Compensation Limits**
CSU Fresno employees who are CalPERS members become fully vested for a retirement pension after five years of credited CalPERS service. Vesting means you are entitled to a pension once you reach retirement age (varies).
The vesting period is calculated by CalPERS and includes credit earned at any CalPERS public agency including the State of California (including CSU) and public contracting agencies.
State Misc Tier 1 (Except State Public Safety)
- | PEPRA Membership | Classic Membership | Classic Membership |
Employment and Membership | Hired by State And new CalPERS member on or after January 1, 2013 | Hired by State And new CalPERS member between January 15, 2011 and December 31, 2012 | Hired by State And new CalPERS member prior to January 15, 2011 |
Employee Contribution* | 8% of gross pay | 5% of gross pay with $513 exclusion |
5% of gross pay with $513 exclusion |
CSU Contribution (FY 2024-25) | 26.31% of gross pay | 26.31% of gross pay | 26.31% of gross pay |
Retirement Formula | 2% at 62 (2N) | 2% at 60 (2Z) | 2% at 55 (08) |
Mimimum Retirement Age | 52 years | 50 years | 50 years |
Highest Benefit Factor | 2.5% at 67+ | 2.418% at 63+ | 2.5% at 63+ |
Pension Vesting |
5 years | 5 years | 5 years |
Salary Used to Calculate Pension (Subject to Cap) |
Average highest 36 consecutive months | Average highest 36 consecutive months | Average highest 12 consecutive months |
Compensation Limits** | 2025 - $155,081 | 2025 - $350,000 | 2025 - $350,000 |
State Public Safety Officers & Management
- | PEPRA Membership | Classic Membership | Classic Membership |
OFFICERS Employment and Membership | Hired by State And new CalPERS member on or after January 1, 2013 | Hired by State And new CalPERS member on or after July 1, 2011 | Hired by State And new CalPERS member prior to July 1, 2011 |
MANAGEMENT Employment and Membership | Hired by State And new CalPERS member on or after January 1, 2013 | Hired by State And new CalPERS member on or after January 15, 2011 | Hired by State And new CalPERS member prior to January 15, 2011 |
Employee Contribution* | 13.25% of gross pay | 8% of gross pay with $238 exclusion |
8% of gross pay with $238 exclusion |
CSU Contribution (FY 2024-25) | 30.72% of gross pay | 30.72% of gross pay | 30.72% of gross pay |
Retirement Formula | 2.5% at 57 (3H/3Z) | 2.5% at 55 (3P/3R) | 3.0% at 50 (52/54) |
Mimimum Retirement Age | 50 years | 50 years | 50 years |
Highest Benefit Factor | 2.5% at 57+ | 2.5% at 55+ | 3.0% at 50+ |
Pension Vesting |
5 years | 5 years | 5 years* |
Salary Used to Calculate Pension (Subject to Cap) |
Average highest 36 consecutive months | Average highest 36 consecutive months | Average highest 12 consecutive months |
Compensation Limits** | 2025 - $186,096 | 2025 - $350,000 | 2025 - $350,000 |
*As required by PEPRA (Public Employees Pension Reform Act), reflects a portion of
the current "normal" cost rate. Normal cost rates are determined annually and subject
to change.
**Compensation limits for both classic and new members do not limit the salary an employer can pay, but rather limits the amount of compensation taken into account under the defined benefit plan. These limits will affect your monthly pension retirement calculation.
The Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 ("PEPRA") provides that the new pension formula be offered to new members. The CSU's understanding is that an employee who previously worked for a CalPERS-covered employer would be considered a "new member" if the employee changes public employers and the separation between employers is greater than six months, unless the change of employment is between state entities or schools.
Employees Subject to CalPERS 2025 Compensation Limits
Employees who become new members of CalPERS on or after 1/1/2013, are subject to a
compensation cap of $155,051 (2025) if participating in Social Security or $186,096
(2025) if not participating in Social Security (such as Public Safety employees).
These amounts represent the maximum salary that can count toward final compensation
and calculation of retirement benefits for employees that are placed in the 2% at
62 or 2.5% at 57 retirement formulas. Once an employee reaches the compensation limit,
the employer and employee retirement contributions will no longer be reported for
the rest of the calendar year. Contributions will begin anew at the beginning of the
following calendar year.
CalPERS Retirement: Vesting Requirement for Health/Dental Benefits
In order to qualify for health/dental in retirement, you must retire from a benefit eligible position within 120 days of separation from the CSU AND meet either the five year or ten year vesting requirement. (see chart below).
- Retirees pay the same health contribution as active CSU employees.
- Dental Retiree plan premium is paid by CalPERS.
- The vision benefit can be continued at the retiree's expense
Employee Group / Bargaining Unit | First hired by CSU And new CalPERS member on or after July 1, 2018 | First hired by CSU And new CalPERS member on or after July 1, 2017 | Hired by CSU And new CalPERS member prior to July 1, 2017 |
R03 | No Change | 10 years | 5 years |
M98, M80, C99, E99 | 10 years | 5 years | 5 years |
R01, R02, R04, R05, R06, R07, R09 | 10 years | 5 years | 5 years |
R08 | No Change | No Change | 5 years |
How Your Retirement Benefit is Calculated
Three factors are multiplied together to calculate your service retirement:
- Service Credit – You earn service credit for each year or partial year you work under CalPERS membership. A full-time employee who works at least 10 months per fiscal year will earn 1.0 years of service credit. Part-time employees accrue service credit on a pro-rated basis
- Benefit Factor – Your benefit factor is the percentage of pay to which you are entitled for each year of service. It is determined by your age at retirement and the benefit formula that you qualify for
- Final Compensation – Final compensation is your average full-time monthly pay rate and special compensation for your 12 or 36 months (see Retirement Formula above). The full-time pay rate is used, not your earnings. If you work part-time, your full-time pay rate will be used to determine your final compensation
Retirement Planning
The following information provides a general checklist for staff, faculty, and administrators planning to retire. If you have not set-up your myCalPERS account to view and run estimates, please log in to my|CalPERS set-up your account.
1) One Year Before Retirement: Research your Options
- Set-up your myCalPERS account
- Attend an on-campus CalPERS retirement planning workshop sponsored by Human Resources or log in to your my|CalPERS account enroll in upcoming online classes or instructor led classes and events. You may also schedule a one-on-one appointment with CalPERS by calling the Customer Contact Center at 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377)
- Review your finances and/or discuss your plans with a financial planner
- Review options for purchasing eligible CalPERS service credits (i.e., Difference-in Pay Leaves, Annual Sabbatical, unpaid Maternity, Military, Service Prior to Membership). The Service credit election form must be received by CalPERS prior to your retirement date
- Select a (tentative) retirement date and request an estimate of your monthly retirement allowance from CalPERS. You may also request a Community Property Retirement Allowance Estimate
2) Six Months Prior: Schedule a Retirement Session
Contact the Human Resources Benefits Office – schedule a retirement session and a review of benefits. Spouses and/or partners are welcome to attend.
Faculty retiring and requesting participation in FERP for the next academic year will need the contact HR Benefits Contact or Faculty Affairs for deadline date for request letter.
HR Benefits Contact | Phone | ||
Employees w/last names A - L: Debra Penner
Employees w/last names M - Z: |
- During the meeting, HR Benefits will review: Retirement Date(s), Health benefits and Medicare coordination after retirement, Eligible dependent benefits, Survivor continuation, Beneficiary options and instructions for notifying your department in writing or by email.
- Contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) for benefits counseling (if applicable).
- As a member of CalPERS, employees also participate in Social Security
- Social Security and Medicare taxes are withheld from your paycheck
- Withholding rates are 6.20 percent for Social Security and 1.45 percent for Medicare
- Social Security maximum wage contributions change annually
3) Within 90 days (120 days prior to Retirement date): Complete Retirement Application on CalPERS
Submit your CalPERS application online via your my|CalPERS account. Log in to your my|CalPERS account to schedule an appointment with a representative in a CalPERS office if submitting a hardcopy application.
Notify your Department and Human Resources of your retirement in writing by email or letter.
4) 30 Days prior to Retirement: Schedule Appointment with HR
30 Days prior to retirement (or 30 days prior to last day at work) schedule appointment to meet with HR Benefits Contact to complete the Fresno State Check-Out Process.
- Transition into retiree benefits for medical, dental and vision, if eligible
- If you will be age 65 or are already 65+ when you retire, our office will discuss your options for Medicare*. During our meeting, an Employer Verification form for Medicare Part B will be provided, if applicable. Form will need to be provide to Social Security/Medicare with application for Part B
- Reporting time in Absence Management, returning ID, Parking, keys, books, lap tops, and equipment to the appropriate department
*There are many other rules associated with Medicare enrollment including penalties for not enrolling in Part B at Retirement, moving out of the country, and deferring Part B. Please schedule an appointment with Social Security.
5) 60 days AFTER Retirement date
- Log in to your my|CalPERS and check your Retirement check to ensure your Health plan and Dental plan deductions are reflected on your retirement check
- If you enrolled in the voluntary Vision Services Plan (VSP) plan, VSP will invoice you for the first three months. Your deduction should appear on your retirement check by the 4th month
Congratulations on your successful retirement! If you have any questions regarding benefits please email us at: