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Environmental Health, Safety, and Risk Management


Hazardous energy appears in the workplace in the form of electrical, mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic and thermal energy and includes chemical, water, steam and gaseous energy systems. Lockout/Tagout procedures prevent the unexpected energization, start up or release of stored energy that could cause injury to employees working on equipment.

The purpose of this program is to identify the practices and procedures necessary to shut down and lock out or tag out machines and equipment. It also requires that employees receive training in the Lockout/Tagout program before they are authorized to perform service and maintenance requiring Lockout/Tagout.

In addition EHS is required to support your efforts to create written plans to contact a specialist email 

A 5 minute video how to use the CSU Safety Procedures app on your phone can be found here:

Links for the applications if you wish to do this work from your mobile device can be found here:


Lockout/Tagout Manual

Emergency Lock Removal Form

CCR Title 8 Article 3

CCR Title 8 Section 3314

Procedures System