Environmental Health, Safety, and Risk Management
Off-Campus Events
Important Update: As of March 3, 2025 there has been a change to Form 1. If overnight tavel is taking place, the Clery office must be notified.
Off-Campus Event definition: Educationally related activity that involves students; occurs off campus; takes place outside of university property; and is organized and/or funded by an officially recognized campus related entity.
All off-campus events must meet the minimum requirements set forth by CSU Executive Order 1062 Field Trips. Other requirements may apply.
These requirements include the need for obtaining approval of the planned trip, and collection/distribution/retention of associated forms.
The following is a summary of the forms and the distribution/retention requirements.
1) Form 1 (Event Notification/Approval) provides details of the event and approval from the appropriate Dean, Chair, or Vice President, or their designee, for your department. Approval must be obtained at least fifteen (15) working days prior to the scheduled off-campus event.
2) Form 2 (Release of Liability and Hold Harmless) the top part of the form must be completed by the Trip Leader. Trip participants must sign and return the form.
3)Form 3 (Emergency Information) Participant emergency contact to be used in case of an emergency.
4)Trip roster, a list of names of all the participants.
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Environmental Health & Safety and Risk Management at 559.278.7422 or ehsrm@mail.fresnostate.edu.
Paperwork Distribution
Copies of the forms should be filed with:
Your Department Office
These documents should be collected at least five (5) days before departing for the event.
- Trip Roster - All attending participants
- Form 1 - Off-Campus Event Description & Approval
- Form 2 - Release of Liability
Trip Leader
These forms should be with the trip leader during the event. Form 3 should be in a sealed envelope to protect the participant's confidentiality and will be opened only in an emergency.
- Trip Roster - All attending participants
- Form 3 - Emergency Contact Info
Fresno State Police Department
MS: PO14
Form 3 should be in a sealed envelope to protect the participant's confidentiality and will be opened only in an emergency.
- Trip Roster - All attending participants
- Form 1 - Off-Campus Event Description & Approval
- Form 3 - Emergency Contact Info
Clery Office (If trip is overnight)
Email: Clery@mail.fresnostate.edu
- Form 1- Off-Campus Event Description & Approval
No paperwork needs to be sent to EHSRM.
Document Retention
"It is recommended that the instructional agenda and executed liability waiver be retained together and for a period of one year after the conclusion of the semester/quarter during which the field trip took place. For minors, the documents are to be retained for one year after the minor reaches the age of majority. Electronic copies of the documents are permissible. See technical letter RM 2011-01 and the accompanying Release of Liability Handbook."
-Field Trip Policy and Procedures
Related Links
Forms 1, 2 & 3 are pdf fillable if opened with Adobe Reader.
Form 1 - Academic Off-Campus Event Notification
Form 2 - Release of Liability, et al| Spanish | Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional) | Korean | Tagalog | Vietnamese
Form 3 - Academic Off-Campus Event Emergency Information
Report of Incident or Accident (Non-employee)
Student Accident Travel Insurance