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Family and Medical Leave Programs

California State University, Fresno provides Faculty, Staff and Administrators (MPP) with the opportunity to apply for time away from work for medical or non-medical reasons for self or for family care. There are several types of leave of absences that may be granted to employees depending on their circumstances including:

  • California State University Family Medical Leave (CSU FML)
  • Parental (Maternity/Paternity/Adoption) Leave
  • California Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL)
  • Education Code Maternity Leave (ECML) (Applies only to Units C99, E99, 01, 02, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 & 10)
  • Unpaid Parental Leave (Unit 3 & Unit 4 Employees only)
  • Bereavement Leave
  • Military Leave
  • Organ/Bone Marrow Donor Leave

Time off is approved in compliance with applicable Federal and State laws, relevant Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA), and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. It is the responsibility of every employee absent from work in excess of five (5) workdays to comply with the medical leave of absence process. Failure to comply with this process may result in a delay or ineligibility of leave program benefits.

When should I contact Human Resources?  Contact Human Resources when:

You have an absence that may or has already exceeded 5 workdays due to illness or non-work-related injury or to care for an eligible family member due to illness (spouse, child, domestic partner or parent).

  • If you are scheduled to be off of work due to pregnancy/illness/injury, please contact our office at (559) 278-8237 to schedule an appointment with the assigned Leave Coordinator.  The Leave Coordinator will discuss eligibility of leave programs, usage of available leave credits and the necessary forms that will need to be completed.

  • If you are already off of work (e.g. hospitalized) please contact our office at (559) 278-8237 as soon as possible.  The Leave Coordinator will then provide you with information on available leave programs, usage of available leave credits and necessary forms via email or mail. 

Contact Us  

If you have questions or would like to discuss the need for a Leave of Absence please contact Sarah Confer, Interim Confidential Leave Coordinator, at (559) 278-8237 to schedule an appointment to discuss eligibility and usage of available leave credits. Leave program eligibility is analyzed/determined on a case-by-case basis. All information discussed during the appointment is confidential. 

Leave Coordinator Assignment
Sarah Confer
Interim Confidential Leave Coordinator
Desk Phone: (559) 278-8237
  • Staff | Administrators | Police | Faculty | Lecturers
  • Librarians | Coaches
  • FERP
  • Unit 11

California State Univerisity Family Medical Leave (CSU FML) program is available for qualified employees if leave is needed for:

  • Self
  • Care for eligible family member
  • Birth, adoption, or foster care
  • Military (Wounded service member or Qualifying Exigency

A medical leave of absence is defined as any absence for self or to care for an eligible family member in excess of five (5) workdays. A medical leave of absence may be full, partial (a reduced work schedule), or intermittent (non-consecutive full or partial days).

Under CSU Family Medical Leave (FML), eligible employees with at least 12 months of service may take unpaid job-protected leave for up to 12 weeks in a 12-month, forward rolling period due to the employee’s own or a qualified family member’s serious health condition, the birth or placement of a child, or a qualified military exigency. Eligible employees may take up to 26 weeks to care for a covered service member. CSU FML incorporates both the federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and California Family Rights Act (CFRA) leave entitlements, which normally run concurrently.

CSU FML eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis.

The following employee groups must have been employed at least 12 months and must have actually worked 1,250 hours:

Physicians (R01)
Skilled Crafts (R06)
Statewide University Police Association (R08)
IUOE (R10) 
Confidential (C99)
Management Personnel Plan (MPP) (M80)

All other full-time and part-time employees not listed in the employee groups above who are employed for at least one academic year or 12 months preceding the request for CSU FML are exempt from the 1,250 hour eligibility requirement pursuant to their respective collective bargaining agreements. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________CSU policy requires that when an employee is placed on CSU FML for their own serious health condition, the employee must use sick leave credits, vacation credits, personal holiday, and compensatory time off (CTO) (unless specifically excluded by the applicable collective bargaining agreement) prior to going on any unpaid portion of CSU FML.

Similarly, employees who request FML for a family member must exhaust vacation credits, personal holiday, and CTO (unless prohibited by the collective bargaining agreement) prior to going on any unpaid portion of FML. Sick leave credits may be used by mutual agreement pursuant to the appropriate collective bargaining agreement.

Under an exception to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and CSU policy, exempt employees’ accrued leave credits are charged for partial day absences while on CSU FML.

For more information, see the Department of Labor's Employee Rights and Responsibility under the Family and Medical Leave Act publication.

Parental Leave is a paid leave of up to 30 work days in a calendar year for the birth of an employee's child or the placement of a child with the employee through adoption or foster care. This type of absence is not charged against the employee's leave credits, and the amount of paid days received is based on an employee's Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).  For questions, please contact your Leave Coordinator or reference your respective CBA by clicking here.  

Parental Leave Information by Bargaining Unit:
The information below is a reference that can be used to determine the amount of Parental Leave pay an employee is eligible for under this program. Review your CBA for actual language and determination.  

Physicians (R01)*
Number of Eligible Paid Days:  30 workdays in a 12 month period
Timeframe Guidelines:  Shall commence within sixty (60) days of the arrival of a new child(ren). Leave shall be taken consecutively, unless mutually-agreed otherwise by the employee and the Appropriate Administrator.  

CSUEU (R02, 05, 07, 09)*
Number of Eligible Paid Days:
 30 workdays in a 12 month period
Timeframe Guidelines:  Shall commence within sixty (60) days of the arrival of a new child(ren). Leave shall be taken consecutively, unless mutually-agreed otherwise by the employee and the Appropriate Administrator. 

Faculty (R03)*
Number of Eligible Paid Days:  50 workdays
Timeframe Guidelines: Shall commence within a one hundred and thirty-five (135) day period, which begins sixty (60) days prior to the anticipated arrival date of the new child, and ends seventy-five (75) days after the arrival of a new child.  Charged only for academic days in such period of time.  Leave shall be taken consecutively, unless mutually agreed otherwise by employee and appropriate administrator. Click here for CFA Parental Leave FAQ's

Academic Professionals of California (R04)*
Number of Eligible Paid Days:
 30 workdays in a 12 month period
Timeframe Guidelines:  Shall commence within sixty (60) days of the arrival of a new child(ren).

The maximum benefits of thirty (30) workdays with pay within any twelve month period shall be provided in connection with the arrival of a new child(ren) and the placement of one (1) or more foster children. 

Parental Leave shall be taken consecutively and in full-day increments unless mutually agreed otherwise by the employee and appropriate administrator. 

Skilled Crafts (R06)*
Number of Eligible Paid Days:
 30 workdays per calendar year
Timeframe Guidelines:  Shall commence within sixty (60) days of the arrival of a new child(ren). Leave shall be taken consecutively, unless mutually agreed otherwise by employee and appropriate administrator.

Statewide University Police Association (R08)* 
Number of Eligible Paid Hours:  Up to 240 hours in a 12 month period
Timeframe Guidelines:  Shall commence within sixty (60) days of the arrival of a new child(ren). A maximum benefits of thirty (30) consecutive eight-hour workdays, or equivalent (not to exceed 240 hours) for employees on alternate work schedules.

IUOE (R10) 
Number of Eligible Paid Days:  15 workdays in a 12 month period for a new infant or adopted child(ren) up to the age of five (5).
Timeframe Guidelines:  Shall commence within sixty (60) days upon the birth or placement of a child(ren). Leave shall be taken consecutively, unless mutually agreed otherwise by employee and appropriate administrator.

UAW (R11) 
Number of Eligible Paid Days:  None
Timeframe Guidelines: Not available to employees within this employee category.

Confidential (C99)* 
Number of Eligible Paid Days:  30 
Timeframe Guidelines:  Shall commence within sixty (60) days of the arrival of a new child(ren). Days run consecutively and may only be taken in daily increments. 

Upon mutual agreement and on an exception basis, the scheduling of the leave  may be modified to meet the operational needs of the campus.

Management Personnel Plan (MPP) (M80)*
Number of Eligible Paid Days:
Timeframe Guidelines:  Shall commence within sixty (60) days of the arrival of a new child(ren). Days run consecutively.

Upon mutual agreement and on an exception basis, the scheduling of the leave  may be modified to meet the operational needs of the campus.

Executives (M98)*
Number of Eligible Paid Days:
Timeframe Guidelines:  Shall commence within sixty (60) days of the arrival of a new child(ren). Days run consecutively.

Excluded (E99)
Number of Eligible Paid Days:  None
Timeframe Guidelines: Not available to employees within this employee category.

* Parental Leave benefit applies to foster care.

Under California Government Code section 12945(b)(2), female employees are entitled to take up to four (4) months of unpaid Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL) if the employee is disabled by pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition. This is a separate entitlement from the CSU FML entitlement and is exhausted prior to employee’s being placed on CSU FML. CSU FML runs consecutively with PDL.

An employee placed on PDL is required to use sick leave credits prior to going on any unpaid portion of PDL. The employee may use vacation credits, personal holiday, and CTO while on PDL.

Pregnancy Disability Leave Fact Sheet

Your Rights and Obligation as a Pregnancy Employee

Pursuant to California Education Code section 89519, permanent female employees may be eligible for unpaid leave due to pregnancy, childbirth, or the recovery there from for up to 12 months. This leave runs concurrently with CSU FML, PDL, Parental Leave.

This is a leave of absence without pay for the purposes of pregnancy, childbirth or the recovery there from of a female employee as determined by the employee, but not to exceed one year. ECML tracks with CPDL and FML so, for a normal pregnancy, the female employee would be out for six weeks of CPDL and up to 12 weeks of FML for a total of 4 ½ months of leave which meets the legal requirements under these three leave provisions. The maximum leave of absence (combining unpaid leave and utilization of leave credits) for permanent employees subject to CPDL, CSU FML, and ECML is one year.

This Leave Program applies only to Units C99, E99, 01, 02, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 & 10.

Tenured or probationary faculty employees (Unit 3, California Faculty Association) Bargaining Agreement 22.11 (PDF) and permanent employees in bargaining unit 4 (Academic Professionals of California) Bargaining Agreement 22.5 (PDF) may take up to 12 months of unpaid parental leave. This leave runs concurrently with CSU FML, PDL, ECML, and (paid) Parental Leave.

Eligible employees can be granted leave with pay for each death of a significantly close relative/person or immediate family member. A link is provided below to the Article within the Collective Bargaining Agreement which defines a "Significantly close" or “Immediate”. An "lmmediate family member/significantly close relative" for non-represented employees (Confidential, Excluded, Management Personnel Plan and Executives) is defined per Government Code 12945.7. The bereavement leave shall be completed within three months of the date of death of the family member.

The following employee groups receive 5 days of pai​d leave:
Physicians (R01) - Article 15.11 
CSUEU (R02, 05, 07, 09) - Article 15.1 
Faculty (R03) - Article 23.3 
Academic Professionals (R04) - Article 20.11
Skilled Trades (R06) - Article 18.10 
Public Safety (R8) - Article 22.7 
IUOE (R10) - Article 15.10 
Confidential (C99) -Click here to view Government Code 12945.7 
Management Personnel Plan (MPP) (M80) - Click here to view Government Code 12945.7
Executives (M98) - Click here to view Government Code 12945.7 

The following employee groups receive 2-3 days of paid leave:
UAW (R11) 2 days (3 days if travel 50 miles from home)
Excluded (E99, Police Officer Cadet only) 2 days 

Ineligible employee groups include:
Excluded (E99, except Police Officer Cadet),  
Trade rate employees
Student Assistants      
Rehired Annuitants/FERPs
Youth Summer Aid employees    
Special Consultants

Immediate Family Member for non-represented employees (Confidential, Excluded, Management Personnel Plan and Executives) is defined per Government Code 12945.7 as:

  • The employee's spouse or domestic partner
  • The employee's children, parent, grandparents, grandchildren and siblings (may be biological, adopted, foster, or step)
  • Click here to view Government Code 12945.7

Significantly Close Relative for non-represented employees is defined as:

  • The employee's spouse or domestic partner's parents, grandparents, and siblings (may be biological, adopted, foster, or step)
  • Any relative residing in the immediate household of the employee, except domestic employees or roomers
  • Any minor children or incapacitated individuals for whom the employee has legal guardianship or conservatorship.
For additional information please refer to your Collective Bargaining Agreement.

All employees are eligible for military leave.  If an employee is required to report for active military duty in any branch of the United States armed forces, the employee is entitled to receive up to 30 days of paid military leave for emergency, temporary and/or indefinite assignments in a fiscal year upon meeting eligibility criteria, if required. Any CSU employee who takes a leave of absence to enter military service is required to submit official military documents regarding the leave to the appropriate administrator.

The 30 day paid leave entitlement for temporary military leave is considered separate from the paid entitlement for an emergency or indefinite military leave.

CSU employees ordered to the following types of military leave are eligible for CSU pay:

Temporary Leave:
If an employee ordered for active military training, inactive duty training, encampment, naval exercises, special exercises, or the like, has at least one year of state service immediately prior to the date on which the leave begins, he/she is entitled to receive normal salary for up to 30 calendar days. Pay for temporary military leave may not exceed a total of 30 calendar days in any one fiscal year.  (California Military and Veterans (M & V) Code Section 395.01(a)).

Indefinite Leave:
If an employee who is inducted, enlists, or is ordered into active military duty has at least one year of state service immediately prior to the date on which the leave begins, he/she is entitled to receive normal salary for up to 30 calendar days. Pay for indefinite military leave may not exceed a total of 30 calendar days in any one fiscal year.  (M & V Code Section 395.02).

Emergency Leave:  
An employee who is a member of the National Guard ordered to active duty during a proclaimed state or national emergency is entitled to receive normal salary for up to 30 calendar days for each proclamation of emergency that may be issued. There is no state service requirement in order to receive CSU pay while on emergency military leave, but the leave may not exceed the duration of the emergency (M & V Code Section 395.05). An employee is entitled to payment for each emergency regardless of the number of emergencies declared. The last emergency proclamation ended on September 13, 2003 (83 Ops. Cal. Atty. Gen. 148 (2000)).

The laws govern military leave for non-represented and represented employees, but may be superseded by current memorandum of understanding (MOU) for represented employees.

The Organ Donor Leave (ODL) Program, in accordance with Assembly Bill (AB) 1825, allows CSU employees, who have exhausted all available sick leave, the following leaves of absence with pay:

A paid leave of absence of up to 30 continuous calendar days in any one-year period to any employee who is donating his or her organ to another person.
A paid leave of absence of up to five continuous calendar days in any-one year period to any employee who is donating his or her bone marrow to another person.
The one-year period is a "rolling" year commencing on the first day of ODL.

In order for such leave to be designated as ODL, the employee must provide written verification specifying that the employee is an organ or bone marrow donor, and that the donation is medically necessary. Such leave will apply only to those employees who are viable donors, and cannot be used to cover absences for preliminary tests conducted on a "potential" donor.

If an employee is unable to return to work beyond the time or period that ODL was granted, the employee can apply existing vacation credits and/or compensatory time off to the absence, as deemed appropriate. If the employee has exhausted all available leave credits and is unable to return to work following the ODL, the employee may be eligible for Non-Industrial Disability Insurance (NDI).

ODL runs currently with the CSU Family Medical Leave Policy, and employees continue to receive benefits (if enrolled) while participating in ODL. Employees who subsequently exhaust all other available leave credits after ODL, may elect to continue benefits via direct payment.

For more information on the ODL, please contact Human Resources and refer to the appropriate Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

The CSU Catastrophic Leave Donation Program (CLDP) allows employees to voluntarily donate sick and/or vacation leave credits to employees that are totally incapacitated due to a catastrophic illness or injury, and have exhausted all leave credits, including any sick, vacation, personal holiday or CTO credits. Family illnesses that are deemed catastrophic, requiring an employee to be absent to care for an immediate family member, are also eligible for the Program. Under the Program, eligible employees who have exhausted all sick leave, vacation leave, personal holiday, and CTO credits may receive sick leave and/or vacation credits from other employees for up to three (3) months. The purpose of the CLDP is to supplement Non-industrial Disability Insurance (NDI) or other approved medical leaves which an employee qualifies.

Catastrophic leave donations are not transferable between campuses. An employee can donate to or receive credits from employees at his/her respective campus only.

Depending on the applicable collective bargaining agreement, employees may voluntarily donate accrued vacation and/or sick leave hours to employees deemed eligible for the CLDP. The amount of hours employees may donate vary depending on the applicable collective bargaining agreement.

Catastrophic Leave Donation Program Summary

Click here to donate leave credits to an employee on the Catastrophic Leave Donation Program.

What is NDI?
The Nonindustrial Disability Insurance (NDI) program is a wage continuation program administered by the California Employment Development Department (EDD) for eligible employees that are unable to work due to a non-work related disability (including maternity) and have exhausted all applicable leave credits. The NDI program is in lieu of State Disability Insurance (SDI) benefits. The NDI program defines "disability" as: "mental or physical illness and mental or physical injury, including any illness or injury resulting from pregnancy, childbirth or related medical condition." An employee is deemed disabled on any day in which, because of the employee’s own physical, mental or medical condition, the employee is unable to perform the employee’s regular or customary work.

NDI Requirements 
Employee must be an active CalPERS member in compensated employment, and:

  • A full-time permanent or probationary CSU employee, or
  • A part-time or hourly employee with at least the equivalent of six months of compensated pay of service in the 18 months immediately preceding the pay period in which the disability begins, or
  • Appointed half time or more in a salaried position for one year of service or one academic year or more.

Before NDI payments begin, the employee must first exhaust all accrued sick leave credits. If any vacation time is used, all vacation accrued must be exhausted before NDI benefits can be paid. While on NDI employees will not receive PERS service credit, and no retirement contributions will be deducted from NDI benefits. Additionally employees will not accrue sick or vacation leave.

Eligible employees may receive NDI benefit payments for up to 26 weeks (182 calendar days) for any one disability period, in an amount equal to one-half full pay, not to exceed the specified weekly amount ($125 to $250 per week) based on the employee's collective bargaining agreement.

Non-Industrial Disability Insurance Summary

Non-Industrial Disability Insurance Provisions

NDI Payment Process
The Employment Development Department determines the period of eligibility and authorizes claims. Once the Payroll Department receives authorization from the Benefits Office, the request for payment is made to the State Controller. Payment is then prepared on a monthly basis through the Payroll Office and distributed by the employee’s department.

The CSU provides LTD insurance at no cost to eligible employees, depending on the Collective Bargaining Agreement

Eligible employees are covered under an employer paid long-term disability (LTD) plan through Standard Insurance Company, which continues the income for employees who qualify while they are disabled.

  • Currently, employer paid LTD is available for the units below (eligibility requirements apply):
    C99 (Confidential), M80, MPP (Management), M98 (Executives), Unit 01 (Physicians), Unit 03 (Faculty)
    Unit 04 (Academic Professionals)
  • Eligible employees will be enrolled automatically and they will be unable to purchase additional voluntary coverage.
  • Benefits are payable after the employee has been continuously disabled for the entire waiting period (180 days).
  • To qualify for benefits for the first 24 months, the employee must be disabled from performing the material duties of his or her occupation.
  • After 24 months, benefits are payable if the employee is disabled from performing the material duties of any occupation for which he or she is reasonably fitted by education, training and experience.
  • This benefit pays 66 2/3 percent of an employee's pre-disability earnings. The amount is reduced by other income the employee is eligible to receive because of disability, and subject to a maximum benefit of $10,000 per month. (Maximum benefit for executives is $15,000).
  • The CSU pays the entire premium for this insurance.
  • For more detailed information, please visit The Standard Insurance Company website or download the Long Term Disability Insurance Brochure.

Leave Without Pay
A full-time employee or part-time permanent employee may be granted a full or partial leave of absence without pay (LWOP) for up to one (1) year, including for family or medical reasons. A formal leave without pay is a leave that exceeds 15 workdays. Eligibility is based on the requesting employee’s collective bargaining agreement for represented employees, and on Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations for non-represented employees. Typically, a LWOP for medical or family reasons runs concurrently with CSU FML, PDL, ECML, and Parental Leave.

An employee on a Leave Without Pay for more than one full pay period may elect to continue with fringe benefits at the employee’s expense. CSU benefit plan contributions for health, dental, and vision will continue while an employee is on CSU FML and PDL.

Substitution of Vacation for Unpaid Sick Leave

In cases where the employee has exhausted their available sick leave credits and is not on an approved CSU Family and Medical Leave (CSU FML), the appropriate Administrator cannot authorize the use of other available leave credits (e.g. vacation or CTO) in lieu of unpaid sick leave (dock). However, only the Associate Vice President of Human Resources (President’s Designee) may authorize such requests.

Request for Substitution of Vacation for Unpaid Sick Leave


When should I apply for a leave of absence?

If you have an upcoming leave of absence (i.e., medical treatment, surgery, military, paternity, maternity, adoption, or caring for an eligible family member), you should notify your department and contact your Leave Coordinator 30 days prior to the effective date of the requested leave. If circumstances prevent a 30 day advance notice, you must contact HR within 5 days of learning of the need for leave.

If your total time away from work would equal 5 consecutive days or more for a specific medical reason or if you have been sporadically off due to illness or caring for an eligible family member, you should contact your Leave Coordinator to discuss leave programs for which you may be eligible.

How do I apply for a medical leave of absence? 

Your first step is to request an appointment with your Leave Coordinator in the Human Resources department. Please contact Sarah Confer at (559) 278-8237 or via e-mail    

What should I do with any doctor’s notes or forms signed by my physician? 

All medical notes or forms associated with a medical leave of absence should be sent or delivered to your Leave Coordinator in Human Resources. It is not necessary to provide copies of these documents to your manager/department chair or to your department as your Leave Coordinator will keep your department informed of your leave status. Documents may be faxed to 559.278.4275 or via the secured document transfer software MOVEit.

Can I change my return to work date once I've started my medical leave? 

The return to work date may be extended or changed to an earlier date based on a medical note from the doctor.   A medical note must be provided to the Leave Coordinator 2-3 days prior to reporting to work in order to discuss accommodations with your manager, if applicable .  

Can I use vacation credits if I am on a medical leave of absence? 

Faculty, staff or administrators out ill on an approved medical leave through Human Resources must use their available sick leave credits first.  When discussing an upcoming medical leave with your Leave Coordinator, you may opt to use available leave credits (Vacation, Personal Holiday, etc..) based on the appropriate leave program.  

If an employee has exhausted all sick leave credits and is not on an approved medical leave of absence, they cannot use their Personal Holiday, Vacation, CTO or Holiday Credit in lieu of unpaid sick leave. Usage of such leave credits are governed by CBA, CSU Policy and Title 5.  Contact Human Resources for more information (559) 278-2032.

CSU policy requires that when an employee is placed on CSU FML for their own serious health condition, the employee must use sick leave credits, vacation credits, personal holiday, and compensatory time off (CTO) (unless specifically excluded by the applicable collective bargaining agreement) prior to going on any unpaid portion of CSU FML.

Similarly, employees who request FML for a family member must exhaust vacation credits, personal holiday, and CTO (unless prohibited by the collective bargaining agreement) prior to going on any unpaid portion of FML. Sick leave credits may be used by mutual agreement pursuant to the appropriate collective bargaining agreement.

How will I get my paycheck while I am on a medical leave? 

While on a medical leave, your pay warrant may not issue from the State Controller's Office on a timely basis when participating in the NonIndustrial Disability Insurance (NDI) program.  


How do I report my medical leave time in Absence Management while I am on leave? 

Any leave credits taken during an approved full or partial leave of absence will be entered on your behalf by your Leave Coordinator in Human Resources. Since Absence Management is available through the web, you can log into your Employee Self Service and verify the time has been entered for you.   If you have been approved for an intermittent leave of absence under the CSU FML, it will be your responsibility to enter your time in Absence Management on a weekly basis as specified by your Leave Coordinator. 


Am I Eligible for Family Medical Leave? 

The California State University Family and Medical Leave (CSU FML) incorporates both the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the state California Family Rights Act (CFRA).  Employees with at least 12 months of service are eligible for a leave of up to 12 weeks in a 12-month period. Some units are required to have actually worked one thousand two hundred and fifty (1,250) hours in the twelve (12) months preceding the leave

What is NDI and when can I use it? 

NDI is NonIndustrial Disability Insurance, and is administered through the Employment Development Department. It is a short-term disability program provided by the California State University system for the majority of its employees. NDI can only be used for an employee's own illness.  An application for NDI can be requested from your Leave Coordinator in Human Resources. For all illnesses, there is a 7 day waiting period before benefits begin. The amount you will receive while on NDI varies by collective bargaining agreement. 

Will deductions be taken from my pay associated with NonIndustrial Insurance + Catastrophic  Leave Donations?    

Health benefits, Federal & State taxes, and Medicare are taken from the employee's pay while on these programs.  Voluntary deductions may also be deducted, provided enough pay has been generated by donated leave credits to cover them.  A CalPERS retirement deduction is made only from Catastrophic leave donations.    

Once you return from your medical leave, you are eligible to purchase the CalPERS Service credit . Please contact Human Resources.  

Who is eligible to receive Catastrophic Leave Donations?  

Any CSU employee who: 

  • Is in a position that accrues sick leave 
  • Has exhausted all available leave credits (sick leave, vacation, personal holiday, and CTO) 
  • Employee must apply for the NonIndustrial Disability Insurance  (NDI) program if he/she is out due to their own illness
  • Suffers from a catastrophic illness or injury or 
  • Must take time off work for an extended period of time to care for an immediate family member who suffers from a catastrophic illness or injury.  

How does being on Catastrophic Leave (CAT) affect seniority points? 

If you are receiving CAT leave donations while on NDI or under the CSU Family and Medical Leave program, seniority points are not affected. 

How long can an employee be on Catastrophic Leave (CAT)? 

The total donated leave credits normally shall not exceed an amount necessary to continue the employee's full salary for a period of three (3) calendar months which begins on the first day of Catastrophic Leave.   

 In exceptional cases, you may request an additional three (3) calendar months which must be approved by the Associate Vice President of Human Resources.  

What if an employee does not receive enough donated leave credits to cover the disability period completely? 

If there are not enough leave credits to supplement your NonIndustrial Disability Insurance (NDI) benefit,  you will only receive what is donated for that month in addition to the NDI benefit.  

Can participants in the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) donate and receive leave credits? 

FERP participants who have a leave balance are eligible to donate credits at any time. This is true even during their non-work periods, if you, the faculty member, is expected to return to work the following academic term.  However, FERP participants may receive and use donations only during scheduled work periods.

 Can I use the State Disability Insurance (SDI) program? 

The California State University does not participate in the State Disability Insurance (SDI) program, which is administered through the Employment Development Department. Instead, the CSU uses NonIndustrial Disability Insurance (NDI) as the short-term disability program for its employees. 

However, employees who have contributed to SDI through a recent or concurrent employer may be eligible for this benefit. This can be verified by contacting the Employment Development Department at: (866) 758-9768 or through their website at for more information. 

Am I eligible for the California Paid Family Leave (PFL)? 

California State University employees are not eligible for the California Paid Family Leave. This benefit is paid through State Disability Insurance (SDI) deductions.  California State University employees do not participate or contribute to this program. However, employees who have contributed to PFL through a recent or concurrent employer may be eligible for this benefit. This can be verified by contacting the Employment Development Department at: (866) 758-9768 or through their website at for more information. 


What is the maximum amount of leave I can take for maternity? 

A female with permanent status may be eligible to take up to one year of unpaid leave for pregnancy, childbirth and recovery.  This leave is normally paid for several months and the remaining time is unpaid. Eligibility is based on the employee’s Collective Bargaining Agreement or ED Code 89519 for MPPs. 

Is my job protected while I am on maternity leave? 

Yes, if you have been placed on a formal leave of absence which may incorporate a period of paid and unpaid time.   Your job protection is governed by the CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement, CSU Policies and federal and state regulations.  Additional information will be provided by your assigned Leave Coordinator in Human Resources.

Do I need to request maternity leave in writing? 

Yes. A Medical Leave Application form will need to be completed via Adobe Sign along with additional documentation.  The Leave Coordinator will assist you in applying for a leave of absence for maternity leave. 

How soon do I need to enroll my new child in health benefits

You must complete a Benefits Worksheet and provide your child's birth certificate and Social Security number to Human Resources within 30 days of the birth.  A newborn is covered under his/her mother's health plan for the first 30 days.

Can I use my sick leave during maternity leave? 

Sick time is used during the pregnancy disability period which is validated with a medical note from the treating physician.    

 What kind of accommodations for lactation/breastfeeding are available to me?

The State of California passed AB 1025, the Lactation Accommodation Law, which provides workplace support for mothers who are breastfeeding. We encourage you to work directly with your appropriate administrator for assistance. If further assistance is needed, contact the Human Resources Department.  

For a list of our current lactation stations please click here.