Environmental Health, Safety, and Risk Management
Food Requirements
Serving Food on Campus
The only department that has the exclusive right to serve or sell food on campus is University Dining Services. This applies to food that is distributed for sale or at no charge, and food provided during events and meetings on campus. These rights are detailed in the Policy on the Use of University Building and Grounds - Section 16.0 - Exclusive Rights of Food Services, and the Food Services Exclusivity Policy.
You must receive permission from Dining Services and the Office of Environmental Health & Safety and Risk Management if you are not planning to use Dining Services at your event. For a quick reference of what may or may not be required, see the Food Distribution Requirements Flow Chart.
- Complete and submit a Food Waiver Form detailing your request at least 30 days in advance.
- This waiver must be approved by University Dining Services and the Office of Environmental Health & Safety and Risk Management.
If you are distributing or selling food to the public, you must also meet Fresno County Health Department requirements.
- Submit the required notification/application forms to the Fresno County Health Department
within 2 weeks of the event
- Community Event Food Organizer application
- Community Event Food Vendor application (one per vendor or caterer)
- Meet all applicable Community Event Food Vendor requirements, including:
- Handwashing
- Warewashing (3-compartment sink)
- Temporary food booth construction (walls & screens, ceiling and floors)
(See Community Event Food Vendor Requirements for all requirements)
Contact EHS/Risk Management at 559.278.7422 or ehsrm@mail.fresnostate.edu for more information and assistance.
Related Links
University Food Services/Catering
Food Distribution Requirements Flow Chart
Food Services Exclusivity Policy
Community Event Food Organizer Application
Community Event Food Vendor Application
Community Event Food Vendor Requirements