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Procurement and Support Services

Warehouse Stock

The Stock Supplies Warehouse is located in the shipping and receiving warehouse 2671 E Barstow Ave. A large variety of paper products are carried in stock and may be ordered on a Stockroom Requisition. A stock catalogue contains the items presently carried in the University Warehouse. When ordering, please be sure your unit of measure, e.g., box, ea, rm, etc. matches the unit of measure in the catalogue.

The Stockroom Requisition form can be found through the My Fresno State, by clicking on the "Forms Portfolio" link, and then clicking on the Stockroom Requisition link found under "Finance".  Requisitions are to be submitted via campus mail (M/S UW 127) with appropriate signatures in advance to Warehouse Service's to allow normal scheduled delivery (usually 2 to 3 days). If a department has an emergency need for supplies, they may pick-up supplies from the warehouse on a will call issue. A stockroom requisition is required when making a will call order. If an item is temporarily out of stock, it will automatically be backordered and filled as soon as the new stock has been received at the Warehouse. If you have not received a Stock Catalogue, you may call the warehouse at 82139 and request one sent to your department or get the list.

All Foundation orders must have a Foundation purchase order attached to the stockroom requisition before it can be filled.

The Warehouse is open from 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.