Environmental Health, Safety, and Risk Management
Safety Training
The majority of all formal safety related training required for employment at California State University, Fresno is provided online through our online third party safety training vendor CSU Learn, administered by the CSU Office of the Chancellor. To see what training has been assigned for you, log into your CSU Learn account using your Fresno State login information and click on the "Assigned Learning" link. In order to access the entire safety library, click on the "Search" icon on the top right of the screen and type in the word, "Safety". Employees can access CSU Learn from MyFresnoState portal and clicking on Employee Self Services and then Learning and Developing.
Report of Accident or Incident (Non-University employee)
Function Specific Training:
CSU Learn offers a number of courses that may be relevant to the work you will be assigned while working at Fresno State. If at any time you are asked to perform a new job task with different associated hazard(s), further training may be required. Consult with your immediate supervisor and feel free to browse through the available training titles and/or search for specific titles offered through CSU Learn. If you have concerns please contact our office at 559.278.7422.