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Student Accounts

Payment Options

Fresno State offers several ways to pay tuition, fees and other charges. Click on a payment option below to view instructions for use.


Payment Information

Online payments are accepted for:

  • Tuition and fees
  • Continuing and Global Education (i.e. Extension, Open University) registration
  • Student Housing payments
  • Student parking permits
  • All other miscellaneous charges reflected on student account balances.

Choose from one of the following online payment methods:

  • E-Pay (electronic check) through My Fresno State. There are no service charges for using this method. Log into My Fresno State and use account information found on your personal check to pay. View E-Pay instructions for step by step instructions for E-Pay.
  • Credit Card Payments using SmartPay. There is a 2.65% service charge on all payment transactions when using this method.    Fresno State accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express through SmartPay. View SmartPay instructions for step-by-step instructions to pay using SmartPay and a credit card.

Fresno State accepts international payments via Convera. For step by step instructions to pay with Convera, view Convera instructions. 

To view Convera's Frequently Asked Questions page, view Convera FAQs. 

The University is not responsible for delayed or lost mail.

  • We accept checks, cashier's check, and money orders.
  • Mail check, cashier's check, or money orders to California State University, Fresno
    Cashiering Services - Joyal Administration Building 
    5150 North Maple Avenue, M/S: JA 58 
    Fresno, CA 93740-8026

Information required on the face of the check, cashier's check or money orders: 

  • Student's first and last name
  • Fresno State identification number
  • Description of fee being paid (in note area of the check)
  • Checks, Cashier's Check, Money Orders
  • Make Personal Checks, Cashier's Check or Money Orders payable to: California State University, Fresno 

When you give Fresno State a check, Cashier's Check or Money Order as payment, you authorize us to either:

  • Use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account
  • or to process the payment as a check transaction.

Students can create a Parent PIN/Authorized Payer Account allowing a parent, guardian, or other designated person to access their online account information and make a payment on a student's account. View instructions for creating an authorized payer account

Writing a bad check is against the law. Recipients (receiver) of bad checks may sue the individual in California Small Claims court for three times the amount of the check or $100, whichever is more. In addition, suit may be made against the Payer for the face value of the check and all court costs. (California Civil Code, Chapter 522, Section 1719).

Writing a bad check will result in the following:

  • Attachment of your University records and denial of all services
  • A $20.00 processing charge
  • Cancellation of enrollment. Once cancelled, you will not be reinstated
  • Payment for returned checks must be made with a cashier's check or money order
  • Personal checks will not be accepted, including checks written by a friend or relative
  • Placing a "Stop Payment" or "closing" your account will not release you from your financial obligation, nor will it automatically drop you from enrollment


Tuition Fee Waivers, Deferments, Payment Plans, Sponsorships

Fresno State offers fee waivers, deferments, and sponsorships. View a list of contacts.

Student Loans

Fresno State currently has two different loans, Dream Loans and Nursing Loans. For more information about these loans, please visit: Fresno State Loan Information

The Spring 2025 Semester Payment Plan is no longer available through Student Self Service.

If you need a payment plan for Spring 2025. please email Student Accounts at 

To enroll in the Payment Plan, sign in to My Fresno State at My Fresno State and click on Student Self Service>Student Center>My Finances (Financial Obligations and Financial Aid).

Proceed to the "other financial..." drop down menu and select "Enroll in Payment Plan" and click on the arrows to the right (>>). Then follow the 4-step process.

Please Note: Continuing and Global/Extended Education charges are not eligible for the payment plan. 

For step by step instructions, view payment plan instructions

A hold will be placed on a student's account for any unpaid obligations owed to the University. Students will be denied class registration, grades and other university services until all obligations are paid. For more information, please contact the department on campus that requested placement of the student hold (California Administrative Code, Title 5, Section 42381).


The CSU makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Fees listed in published schedules or student accounts may need to be increased when public funding is inadequate. Therefore, CSU must reserve the right, even after fees are initially charged or initial fee payments are made, to increase or modify any listed fees. All listed fees, other than mandatory systemwide fees, are subject to change without notice, until the date when instruction for a particular semester or quarter has begun. All CSU listed fees should be regarded as estimates that are subject to change upon approval by the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, or the Presidents, as appropriate. Changes in mandatory system-wide fees will be made in accordance with the requirements of the Working Families Student Fee Transparency and Accountability Act (Sections 66028 - 66028.6 of the Education Code).