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Student Accounts

Refunds and Pro-Rata Charges

About Refunds

Refunds are processed throughout the semester and can take 4-6 weeks to be processed. A student does not need to submit a request to receive a refund. Refunds are applied to most outstanding debt owed to the university. Refunds due to financial aid disbursements in excess of charges on a student's account are issued to students when there is a credit balance. Refunds for payments made on student accounts other than financial aid are processed after the add/drop period has ended (census or 4 weeks after instruction begins). 

When You Withdraw From All Classes

Students who withdraw from all classes on or after the 1st day of instruction, and who have not paid, will be subject to pro-rated charges. They will owe a percentage of their fees corresponding to the day their classes were dropped.

Students who withdraw on or after the 1st day of instruction and have already paid their fees in full (or partial), will also be subject to a pro-rata charge. A percentage of their fees corresponding to the day their classes were dropped will be deducted from the paid amount before a refund is sent. Students are not eligible to receive a refund for withdrawing after the 60% date.

When You Drop Units from Full-Time to Part-Time Enrollment

Students who drop units during the designated drop period but remain enrolled, resulting in a lower fee structure, will be eligible to a refund of applicable tuition and fees. Select the semester from the drop down menu below to verify the drop period deadlines and the applicable tuition fees.

Continuing and Global Education Students

Students enrolled in classes through Continuing and Global Education (CGE) will need to complete the Schedule Change/Refund Form found on CGE's website.


Refund Information


Fresno State has changed our refund provider from BankMobile to Transact eRefund. Students who wish to have their refund direct deposited into their designated bank account will need to enroll in Transact eRefund through their student portal. Instructions on how to sign up for Transact eRefund are below:

Instructions for NEW students or students who want to use NEW bank account information.

Instructions for students who want to use their bank account already saved in the Transact ePayment site.

Additional Important Information:

  • Students already enrolled in Direct Deposit with BankMobile will need to set up their banking information through their student portal and enroll in Transact eRefund.
  • Students already enrolled in Direct Deposit with a BankMobile Bank Account will need to set up their banking information through their student portal and enroll in Transact eRefund. Please Note: If you wish to continue using BankMobile as your bank account, you may do so; however, you will still need to enter your BankMobile banking information through your student portal and enroll in Transact eRefund.
  • Students not enrolled in Direct Deposit with BankMobile will need to set up their banking information through their student portal and enroll in Transact eRefund. Please Note: Receiving a check in the mail can take up to 2 weeks.

Fresno State will begin processing refunds through Transact eRefund as of Friday, November 1, 2024. Avoid any delays and enroll in Transact eRefund today!

To check the status of your refund, email

Refund Policy for Tuition and Fees

It is the student’s responsibility to drop courses, regardless of the reason, by the published deadlines to avoid charges and be eligible for a full or pro-rated refund. Failure to do so may result in charges that you will be required to pay. Refer to the Class Schedule for important information about dropping classes.

All refunds may be subject to a $5.00 administrative fee.

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Refund Schedule

Spring Semester 2025

The following drop period must be met to qualify for a refund (reference: Title 5, /section 41802):

 Drop Period Drop Some But Not All Courses (Including Swaps) Drop All Courses or Officially Withdraw from the University Refund Deadline Dates
Prior to January 16, 2025 100% Refund 100% Refund January 15, 2025
During the first two weeks of instruction - January 16, 2025 to January 30, 2025

Fees are determined based on courses enrolled as of January 30, 2025

See * below

Pro-rated refund based on last dropped course or withdrawal date January 30, 2025
After the second week of instruction, up to and including the 60th percentile of the semester - January 31, 2025, to March 22, 2025

No refund - Adjustments (add, drop, swaps) may result in additional fee charges.

See ** below

Pro-rated refund based on last dropped course or withdrawal date No refund, or pro-rated refund (whichever is applicable)
On or After March 23, 2025 No refund No refund No refund


*A determination will be made at the end of the second week of instruction on January 30, 2025, as to the amount of fees due for the number of units enrolled.

**Class schedule adjustments (add, drop, swap) will NOT be eligible for a refund and may result in additional fee charges (Tuition Fee, Non-Resident Tuition Fee, Professional Program Fee, and Course fees).


For those who enroll on January 31, 2025 or therafter:

1. Students who drop units(s) but remain enrolled, resulting in a lower fee category (from full-time to part-time) will not be eligible for  a refund.

2. Students who are enrolled in 6 units, drop 3 units, and eventually add 3 more units will be charged a full-time status rate and any applicable Non-Resident Tuition Fee, Professional Program Fee, and/or course fees.

Pro-rated Refunds & Schedules

Pro-rated refunds are calculated on a calendar day basis from the first day of instruction to the last day of exams, excluding breaks in instruction of five (5) consecutive days or more.

Refunds are allowed up to the 60th percentile of the academic period (prior to March 23, 2025). For Spring 2025, the first day of instruction is January 16, 2025, and the last day of exams is May 15, 2025. The length of the academic period is 111 days.  Each day within the academic period is 1/111 percentile. 

For more information, see our Spring Pro-Rata Table by clicking on one of the links below:

Student Involvement & Representation Fee (SIRF)

This is a voluntary fee and once the fee is posted on a student’s account, students can opt out. The deadline to opt out of the fee is Census date, February 13, 2025. After Census, students can no longer opt out of the fee for the semester. A student can opt out each semester the fee is charged.

For step-by-step instructions to opt out of SIRF, please refer to How to Opt Out of the Student Involvement & Representation Fee. 

Refund Policy for Tuition and Fees

It is the student's responsibility to drop courses, regardless of the reason, by the published deadlines to avoid charges and be eligible for a ful or prorated refund. Failure to do so may result in charges that you will be required to pay. Refer to the Class Schedule for important information about dropping classes.

All refunds may be subject to a $5.00 administrative fee.

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Refund Schedule

Summer Semester 2025

The following drop period must be met to qualify for a refund (reference: Title 5, /section 41802):

 You are eligible for: Dates * Dates vary depending on the class session*
Full Refund, if all classes are dropped on or before: The day before the start of the session
Prorated Refund, if all classes are dropped between: The first day and the 60% point in the session
No Refund, if all classes are dropped after: The 60% point in the session

For more information, see our Summer Pro-Rata Table by clicking on one of the links below:

Undergraduate Tuition and Other Fees - Refund Schedule for Summer 2025 Semester
CalState TEACH (CST) - Refund Schedule for Summer 2025 Semester                                                                                                                            Credential Tution and Other Fees - Refund Schedule for Summer 2025 Semester                                                                                                            Grad/PBac Tuition and Other Fees - Refund Schedule for Summer 2025 Semester                                                                                                                 Non-Resident Tuition Fee - Refund Schedule for Summer 2025 Semester 

Refund Policy for Tuition and Fees

In order for students to receive a full refund of tuition and mandatory fees, including non-resident tuition, a student must cancel registration or drop all courses prior to the first day of instruction for the term. If a student drops all classes or withdraws from the university on or after the first day of classes, they are responsible for part, or all, tuition and mandatory fees, including non-resident tuition, if applicable, depending on the date of drop/withdrawal. Students are solely responsible for dropping their classes and should not rely on a professor, advisor, or the university in general, to drop their classes on their behalf. 

Refer to the Class Schedule for important information about dropping classes.

All refunds may be subject to a $5.00 administrative fee.

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Refund Schedule

Fall 2024 Semester

The following drop period must be met to qualify for a refund (reference: Title 5, /section 41802):

Drop Period Drop Some But Not All Courses (Including Swaps) Drop All Courses or Officially Withdraw From the University Refund Deadline Dates
Prior to August 21, 2024 100% Refund 100% Refund 100% Refund
During the first two weeks of instruction -  Aug 21 - Sept 4, 2024

Fees determined based on courses enrolled as of September 4, 2024.

See * Note Below

Pro-rated refund based on last dropped course or withdrawl date. August 21 - September 4, 2024
After the 2nd week of instuction through the 60th percentile of the semester - Sept 5 - Oct 26, 2024

No Refunds/Adjustments. Any additional Add, Drop, or Swaps may result in additional fee charges.

See ** Note Below

Pro-rated refund based on last dropped course or withdrawal date. No Refund or Pro-rated Refund
On or After Oct 27, 2024 No Refund or Pro-rate No Refund or Pro-rate No Refund or Pro-rate

*A determination will be made at the end of the second week of instruction on September 4, 2024, as to the amount of fees due for the number of units enrolled.

**Class schedule adjustments (add, drop, swap) will NOT be eligible for a refund and may result in additional fee charges (Tuition Fee, Non-Resident Tuition Fee, Professional Program Fee, and Course fees).


For those who enroll on September 5, 2024 or therafter:

1. Students who drop units(s) but remain enrolled, resulting in a lower fee category (from full-time to part-time) will not be eligible for  a refund.

2. Students who are enrolled in 6 units, drop 3 units, and eventually add 3 more units will be charged a full-time status rate and any applicable Non-Resident Tuition Fee, Professional Program Fee, and/or course fees.

Pro-rated Refunds & Schedules

Pro-rated refunds are calculated on a calendar day basis from the first day of instruction to the last day of exams, excluding breaks in instruction of five (5) consecutive days or more.

Refunds are allowed up to the 60th percentile of the academic period (prior to October 27, 2024). For Fall 2024, the first day of instruction is August 21, 2024, and the last day of exams is December 19, 2024. The length of the academic period is 112 days. Each day within the academic period is 1/112 percentile. 

For more information, see our Fall Pro-Rata Table by clicking on one of the links below:

Student Involvement & Representation Fee (SIRF)

This is a voluntary fee and once the fee is posted on a student’s account, students can opt out. The deadline to opt out of the fee is Census date, September 18, 2024. After Census, students can no longer opt out of the fee for the semester. A student can opt out each semester the fee is charged.

For step-by-step instructions to opt out of SIRF, please refer to How to Opt Out of the Student Involvment & Representation Fee.

A student who has applied for and received federal or state veteran's educational assistance may receive refunds of fees paid. The Student Accounts Office processes all Veteran benefit refunds in accordance with state and federal regulations. 

California State University, Fresno (the University) administers refunds in accordance with the California Administrative Code and directives of the California State University (CSU) system.

On November 14, 2001, the board of Trustees adopted revisions to the policy governing the refund of tuition and fees including nonresident tuition. The revised refund policy, Section 41802 in Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, took effect on December 14, 2001 and is detailed in coded Memorandum AA-2002-13, dated February 13, 2002.

The CSU makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Fees listed in published schedules or student accounts may need to be increased when public funding is inadequate. Therefore, CSU must reserve the right, even after fees are initially charged or initial fee payments are made, to increase or modify any listed fees. All listed fees, other than mandatory systemwide fees, are subject to change without notice, until the date when instruction for a particular semester or quarter has begun. All CSU listed fees should be regarded as estimates that are subject to change upon approval by the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, or the Presidents, as appropriate. Changes in mandatory systemwide fees will be made in accordance with the requirements of the Working Families Student Fee Transparency and Accountability Act (Sections 66028 - 66028.6 of the Education Code).