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Organizational Excellence

Protege Expectations

What does it mean to be a protégé?

Being a protégé means to be guided by a more experienced individual, taking away knowledge and skills to assist in achieving personal and professional goals.


Participants are expected to:

  • Make a two-year commitment to participate in the program
  • Be available for regular meetings and maintain contact with pairings
  • Attend monthly luncheons with guest speakers
  • Participate in training to further develop mentoring and relationship building skills
  • Set challenging but realistic stretch goals that remain at the center of the relationship
  • Respect confidentiality


As a protégé in the Faculty or Staff Mentoring Program, it is important to understand your role in ensuring that the mentoring partnership between you and your mentor is successful.

The following include just a few of the protégé expectations:

  1. Be honest and avoid being judgmental
  2. Be self-motivated and take the initiative
  3. Create an agenda in advance of the meeting
  4. Follow through/complete agreed upon assignments
  5. Maintain regular contact; keep appointments
  6. Provide feedback about how you feel things are going in the partnership
  7. Maintain a positive point of view and realistic expectations
  8. Take a few risks in order to progress
  9. Identify other ways to develop yourself outside of the mentoring partnership
  10. Document your progress