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Human Resources

ADA Accommodation Services

How it Works

Supporting equal access and opportunity for all employees.

California State University, Fresno is dedicated to creating a supportive work environment for all employees. To promote equal access, we provide reasonable accommodations to employees and applicants with disabilities, ensuring they can perform their essential job functions.

For more information on the CSU policy regarding disability support and accommodations, please refer to Executive Order 1111, which applies to all CSU campuses and the Office of the Chancellor. This policy covers academic programs, student services, auxiliary programs, information resources, procurement, and capital planning, among others.

How to Request ADA Job Accommodations

Employees seeking ADA accommodations should follow the step by step process to request reasonable adjustments to their job duties, work environment, or job-related processes. Please keep in mind that accommodations are based on individual needs, and each request will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Requests for Change in Modality

For Faculty: Faculty seeking a change in their work or teaching modality (e.g., from in-person to remote) for medical reasons must go through the ADA interactive process. Once the necessary medical documentation is provided, the request will be reviewed by the department chair, dean, and Faculty Affairs.

Note: A change in modality may not always be feasible and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. If the request cannot be accommodated, Family Medical Leave (FML) may be offered as an alternative.

For Staff: Staff requesting a change in work modality due to medical reasons must also follow the ADA interactive process. The request will be reviewed by the appropriate administrator and Human Resources.

Note: As with faculty, a change in modality may not be feasible, and FML may be provided if necessary.

Sit-to-Stand Requests
Employees who require a sit-to-stand accommodation due to medical reasons should follow the ADA Job Accommodation Request process. This request will be reviewed by the appropriate administrator and Human Resources, and accommodations will be made as necessary.

Non-Medical Requests
Non-medical requests for a change in modality will be reviewed by the department chair, dean, and Faculty Affairs (for faculty), or the appropriate administrator (for staff).

Health Concerns and Temporary Illnesses
General health concerns or temporary illnesses may be considered for ADA accommodations if they substantially limit one or more major life activities. If an employee’s temporary condition qualifies as a disability under the ADA, they may be eligible for accommodations that help them perform essential job functions.

If a condition does not meet the criteria for an ADA accommodation, employees may explore other options, such as Family Medical Leave (FML) or Temporary Disability Leave.

Ergonomics and Workstation Evaluations

If your request is related to workstation adjustments for ergonomic reasons and is not linked to a disability, you can contact Julie Irwin at or 559.278.2125 directly for an evaluation. This type of request does not require the ADA accommodation process. However, if the ergonomic evaluation is needed because of a disability, it will be handled through the ADA process.

Important Notes for ADA Accommodation Requests

Medical Documentation
To request ADA accommodations, employees must submit appropriate medical documentation confirming the nature of their condition or disability. This helps to ensure that the accommodations provided are relevant to your specific needs.

All medical information provided during the accommodation process is kept confidential and is handled according to privacy regulations. It will only be shared with relevant parties, such as Human Resources and department administrators, on a need-to-know basis.

Interactive Process
The ADA accommodation process is interactive and involves a discussion between the employee, the ADA Coordinator, and the appropriate administrators. This is an important part of identifying the most effective accommodations for the employee’s specific needs.

Accommodations May Include:
  • Modifications to work schedules
  • Changes to physical workspace (ergonomic adjustments, accessibility improvements, etc.)
  • Assistive technology or equipment
  • Alternative work arrangements (e.g., telework)
Legal References
For more information on applicable state and federal laws, you can refer to:

Contact Us

For Faculty and Staff disability-related accommodations:

Julie Irwin

Manager - Worker's Compensation / Interim ADA Coordinator
California State University, Fresno - Human Resources
5150 N. Maple Ave., M/S JA 41
Fresno, CA 93740-8026

Phone: 559.278.2125