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Emergency Procedures & Preparation

In an EMERGENCY, Call Fresno State Police Department:

  • 559.278.8400
  • 911 from a campus phone

Emergency Operations

Abigayle Egger-Fielding
Fresno State Police Department 

Emergency Procedures & Preparation

Fresno State Police officers are trained for all hazard emergency response, including the highly dynamic active shooter tactics.

We have regional emergency services relationships to facilitate large scale rapid responses.

We partner in interoperable communications with all regional law enforcement, fire, and medical services.

Our campus has a structured crisis communications plan to provide potentially life saving information during an all hazard emergency. This plan is under regular, ongoing review to provide our campus community with the most current information.

Campus Community

In the event of an emergency, everyone in the campus community becomes a partner in the response.

During an emergency, prior planning, preparation and practice will guide you. Experience has taught us that one does not always rise to the occasion, but most often will settle to the level of one's training. Planning and preparation saves seconds, seconds save lives.

"The Fresno State Police Department is prepared to respond to emergencies and we recognize the importance of working with our campus community to ensure a unified response."

Chief Martinez

In an Emergency

Call Fresno State Police Department

  • 559.278.8400
  • 911 from a campus phone


Related Links

  • Department of Homeland Security's Website