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Administration and Finance

Master Plan - Goals

An important purpose of this Campus Master Plan is to align planned improvements on and near the campus with the declared intentions of the University through its strategic master plan: A Plan for Excellence, 2006 – 2011; a document that sets a clear direction for the institution into the next decade. The course set by the strategic plan emphasizes ‘the aggressive acquisition of resources, the use of technology to enhance learning and research, the development of additional graduate programs, strengthened student success programs, greater civic engagement opportunities for our students, interdisciplinary approaches to, and pride in, the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of campus service unmatched by other public universities in California’.

This strategic plan differs from those which preceded it by focusing on innovation and transformation of the University. These are to be accomplished by pursuing excellence in learning and discovery; by engaging effectively with community, government, business, education and nonprofit organizations. Fresno State has a long tradition of working closely with the community, and bringing new strength to the regional workforce. The direction of the most recent strategic plan is to expand and broaden this effort, through an increased emphasis on advanced studies and innovative applied research. 

The level of learning, research, creative activity, and engagement demanded by the strategic plan will require constant and progressive improvement of campus facilities; state of the art methods and equipment must be in place to attract and retain the best faculty and students.

The course set by the strategic plan is concisely stated in its vision statement:

We will become New California’s premier engaged university, nationally recognized for our teaching, learning, transformational scholarship, and dynamic leadership which engages faculty, students, staff, and community in mutually beneficial and respectful collaboration benefiting the region and society as a whole.

Strategic planning priorities are presented in the strategic plan under eight headings. Specific strategies under each that bear directly on the expectations of a campus facilities master plan are singled out in the following summary:

• Provide necessary technological support for innovative methods of teaching, learning, and engagement.

• Introduce changes in the campus physical environment that promote and support increased student-faculty interaction.

• Provide more dedicated and flexible spaces for individual and group study.

• Create an environment that embraces continuous quality improvement to meet the needs of students effectively.

• Support a welcoming atmosphere that maintains facilities and creates spaces for informal learning and social interactions.

• Initiate improvements that promote a graduate culture on campus to include creating appropriate space for graduate instruction, learning research, and personal interaction.

• Enhance student learning through the increased and effective use of on-line and web-enhanced courses...

• Expand accessible technology for the entire campus community.

• Support campus centers and institutes that align faculty, staff, and student research and expertise with the needs of the community.

• Ensure easy access for campus visitors and create comprehensive and easily understandable signage and other navigational help.

• Become a regional leader in environmentally responsible operations; developing sustainable facilities and advancing research in clean air, water, and energy initiatives.

• Celebrate regional arts and culture through innovative centers and institutes.

• Set a clear and consistent vision for Fresno State’s image and reputation among the key constituencies of the university, and establish a dramatic and memorable visual identity for the campus.

• Foster a welcoming, culturally inclusive, and engaging campus community.

A first draft of goals and objectives for the campus facilities master plan was based on the Strategic Plan and the university mission statement. These goals and objectives originated in an initial briefing of the consultant team by senior Administration, and have been refined periodically in the light of comments and observations received in the course of developing the master plan. The language became richer in content while remaining concise. The purpose of this evolving draft was to direct the stream of decisions leading ultimately to an adopted master plan for the campus.

Core Values for the Master Plan

1. Growing Academic Excellence and Quality

2. Supporting Student Success and Cultivating Diversity

3. Strengthening Our Visibility and Expanding Community Access

4. Developing a Distinctive Campus Quality and Appearance

5. Strengthening and Expanding the Physical Infrastructure

6. Being an Engaged University

7. Advancing the Capabilities of the Central Valley Workforce

These core values were supplemented by four goals:

Make optimal use of campus facilities and resources in accommodating growth in enrollment and in university programs.

Derivative Objectives:

1.1  Make campus access and circulation safe and efficient for pedestrians, bicycles, service vehicles, parking access and emergency vehicles.

1.2 Improve the performance and capacity of campus infrastructure systems to satisfy projected needs.

1.3  Identify major remodels, demolitions and new buildings needed to accommodate projected programs.

1.4  Also, identify remodels for temporary accommodation of personnel and functions while ermanent improvements are being made.

1.5  Identify potential building sites and for new facilities, and associated campus improvements related to each site.

1.6  Locate uses close to others with which they have, or will have programmatic affinities.

1.7  Site and configure each new building to be consistent with these goals and objectives.

1.8  Site and design every building to take full advantage of energy conservation and sustainable materials, systems and practices.

1.9  Orient and design buildings to take full advantage of campus open spaces, and to create places for impromptu meetings around building entrances.

1.10  Create places to foster interaction among faculty, staff and students indoors and outside.

1.11  Evaluate the potential of underused campus lands to support and enrich campus life.

Adapt each section of the campus boundary to complement the neighboring community.

Improve pedestrian circulation across the campus.

Derivative Objectives

2.1  Create a safe and convenient pedestrian network linking most campus destinations without vehicular conflicts.

2.2  Clarify access onto and around the campus with improved routes, sight lines, signage and lighting.

2.3  Recognize the Library as an important destination for university and non-university pedestrians using transit.

2.4  Improve safe and direct access to destinations at the Farm, Campus Pointe, Athletics and nearby student housing.

2.5  Create a service vehicular access system that does not conflict with major pedestrian routes.

2.6  Design parking lots and structures with safe and convenient routes for those walking to and from them.

2.7  Design pathways and waiting facilities to encourage use of transit.

2.8  Design all pedestrian routes for full accessibility as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act.

2.9  Extend the pedestrian circulation system to include fitness walking trails suited to a variety of capabilities.

Develop an image and appearance for the campus that is respectful of its agricultural heritage, yet responsive to its changing activities and architecture.

Derivative Objectives

3.1 Define the image of the campus in a way that respects the agricultural precedent, incorporates the arboretum and engages other important features of the Central Valley environment.

3.2 Address long range plans for the university that preserve the farm laboratory as an integral component of the campus.

3.3 Create an overall landscape plan to reunite the academic, athletics and farm portions of the campus.

3.4 Unify the appearance of the campus through consistency in the design of pathways, signage and lighting, and in complementary design of landscape and buildings.

3.5 Create a clearly recognizable main entrance to the campus and implement a campus way-finding system of fully coordinated lighting and signage.

3.6 Introduce water features at visually significant locations on the campus. These should be in scale with their surroundings and should demonstrate efficient use of water.

3.7 Plan for recycling of waste throughout the campus, identifying collection sites and enhancing recycling programs.

Accommodate diversity with strategic initiatives and aspirations.

A series of specific objectives was developed for each of the four master planning goals. These too were refined as relevant issues emerged with greater clarity.

Derivative Objectives

4.1 Broaden the experience of commuter students with diverse facilities and a range of transportation options.

4.2 Accommodate partnerships with the regional jobs initiative.

4.3 Pursue research park initiatives and graduate studies in disciplines that combine agriculture, water technology, air quality, the sciences, manufacturing, engineering and business.

4.4 Direct improvements towards enhancing student access, retention and graduation.

4.5 Accommodate progressive growth in graduate programs and doctoral programs.

4.6 Develop modern athletic facilities that support long term campus growth and enrich the academic experience.



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