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EEO and Diversity

Complaint Process

The University takes all complaints seriously and responds to all harassment and discrimination complaints brought to its attention.

Informal Resolution

Efforts are made by the University to resolve complaints at the lowest possible level. This may be accomplished by working with the manager or department chair closest to the individuals involved with the matter. The Director of Human Resources, the Associate Vice President for Academic Personnel, Dean of Students, or their designees, will work with those in the department to resolve the complaint. In the interest of enhancing a positive learning and working environment, the University wishes to resolve problems as soon as possible when they arise. Notifying a manager, department chair, or supervisor early on may reduce the need for formal intervention or investigation later.

The University recognizes that anyone may be approached by coworkers, students seeking advice in difficult circumstances, or third parties on behalf of someone else. These individuals may be seeking information and not necessarily wishing to file a complaint. An individual raising a concern may be reminded of the on-campus confidential support resources the University provides: such as the Employee Assistant Program for faculty and staff and Health and Psychological Services for students.

Formal Resolution

If the matter cannot or should not be resolved at the lowest possible level, the Director of Human Resources, in consultation with the appropriate campus administrator(s), and others, may determine the need for 1) an administrative review, and/or 2) an investigation by an external investigator. Such review and/or investigation may be conducted by staff in Human Resources, the CSU Office of the General Counsel, or others with experience and the authority to this area.

Retaliation Prohibited

It is a violation of federal and state law, and of University policy, for anyone to retaliate against a person or persons who files a complaint or who cooperates in the investigation of a complaint. Additionally, retaliation for objecting to potentially sexually harassing behavior is strictly prohibited.

CSU Links

Concern and Action Guide

Whistleblower Act & Protections

Technical Letter HR/Whistleblower 2014-01

Coded Memoranda

Discrimination Complaints for Employees Not Covered by Existing Regulation

CSU Executive Order 1089

File a complaint (CSU E.O. 1096 or 1097). 

California Links

California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) Home Page

Federal Links

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Home Page

Office of Civil Rights