Classification and Compensation
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- Classification and Compensation
- Classification & Compensation
Classification & Compensation
What is the Difference Between an In-Range Progression (IRP), an In-Class Progression (ICP) and a Classification Change?
Each Collective Bargaining Agreement outlines the specific requirements to submit an In-Range Progression.
If approved, you may receive an increase in pay within a salary range for a single classification, or within a sub-range of a classification that has skill levels.
For details on how to request an employee initiated or management initiated IRP please refer to the In-Range Progression Guide.
NOTE: CSUEU Units 2,5,7,9 and Teamsters Unit 6 no longer participate in the In-Range Progression Process. Employees within these units are not eligible to receive an in-range progression.
In-Range Progression Forms
Employee Initiated IRP Form
- Employee Initiated In-Range Progression Request Form
APC Employee Initiated IRP Form
- APC (Unit 4) Employee Initiated In-Range Progression Form
Management Initiated IRP Form
- IRP Request Form
How to Submit Forms
There are two options for submitting the IRP form:
- Electronically complete and sign the form via AdobeSign using the links provided above.
- Print and manually sign the form offered below. You can either drop it off in person
or mail to the HR in Joyal 211, M/S JA41
- Employee Initiated IRP Request Form
- Once completed by Employee, please route to Appropriate Administrator (Non-Bargaining Unit Supervisor or Manager
- Needs to be reviewed and signed by AVP/Dean (Or Equivalent)
- Once all signatures are obtained, please route to Human Resources, Attn: Classification and Compensation
- APC Employee Initiated IRP Request Form
- Complete form and route to Human Resources, Attn: Classification and Compensation
- Manager Initiated IRP Request Form
- Once completed, please route AVP/Dean (Or Equivalent) for review and signature.
- Once all signatures are obtained, please route to Human Resources, Attn: Classification and Compensation
- Employee Initiated IRP Request Form
In-Range Progression Process Maps
Advancement or movement to a higher skill level and the corresponding sub-range within a classification that includes more than one skill level. Each skill level is assigned its own salary band. Examples of classifications include IT Series, AA/S Series and Confidential Office Support Series.
The MPP designated manager/administrator is responsible for setting a position’s responsibilities and duties based on campus and/or departmental needs. An incumbent employee does not by virtue of experience, education, length of service, loyalty or seniority determine the classification. It is the position, not the employee which is classified. Administrators are responsible for determining the accuracy of the information before submitting the description for review.
It is advisable to contact Human Resources to discuss the impact of planned changes in duties or assignments, especially in the case of a significant departmental or unit reorganization. Managers should be careful that requests for in-class progressions are not viewed as a "promise" to an employee regarding in-class progressions since that decision‐making process has been delegated to Human Resources.
A job evaluation that identifies the best fit for the majority or most critical aspects of the position’s work assignments and requirements.
The MPP designated manager/administrator is responsible for setting a position’s responsibilities and duties based on campus and/or departmental needs. An incumbent employee does not by virtue of experience, education, length of service, loyalty or seniority determine the classification. It is the position, not the employee which is classified. Administrators are responsible for determining the accuracy of the information before submitting the description for review.
It is advisable to contact Human Resources to discuss the impact of planned changes in duties or assignments, especially in the case of a significant departmental or unit reorganization. Managers should be careful that requests for reclassification are not viewed as a "promise" to an employee regarding reclassification since that decision‐making process has been delegated to Human Resources.