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Budget and Resource Planning

Our Current Budget Status

This budget information is current as of 2/25/25. This page will continue to be updated as we have more information and updates to share.

Below you can find information on Fresno State’s overall budget for fiscal year 2024-25, budget strategies utilized to ensure a balanced budget based upon CSU budget allocation, and campus contributions to unfunded mandatory cost increases. Our commitment to transparency remains at the core of our budget planning, ensuring that our campus community is informed of systemwide and campus decisions. 

Message from the President

"Fresno State is committed to being transparent and making the best decisions we can during these budget challenges. Our 2024-25 budget situation is due to reductions in state funding, and thanks to the hard work and careful planning of our leadership team, with input from many across campus, we’ve managed to balance the budget without sacrificing our mission or laying off faculty or staff. I’m proud to share that, unlike some other CSU campuses, Fresno State does not anticipate further budget cuts this fiscal year. My top priority is always to protect student success and to ensure our faculty and staff are recognized for their hard work—because they are essential to our success."

- President Saúl Jiménez-Sandoval