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Accounting Services

US Bank Visa Personal Liability Travel Card

The Fresno State Travel Card is issued and managed by US Bank.

To be eligible for and to keep a Fresno State Travel Card you must meet all of the following:

  1. Use the Fresno State Travel Card for official University or official Auxiliary travel and/or Hospitality at least two (2) times a year
  2. Have manager authorization to obtain a Fresno State Travel Card
  3. Agree, in writing, to the Fresno State Travel Card Usage Policy and all other applicable policies, and to pay the statement balance due by the statement due date. You will not be reimbursed for interest or late fees. The Fresno State Travel Card must not be used for personal or non-business travel related purchases.


Apply for the US Bank Card.

Register in US Bank Access online.

Review the Quick Reference Guide on how to access electronic statements. 

Review the Personal Liability Travel and Hospitality Credit Card Handbook.



Yes. Each cardholder will sign a cardholder agreement, and acknowledging receipt of the Fresno State US Bank Personal Liability Handbook prior to receiving their card.

Cardholders will call the activation phone line found on their cards to activate and begin use.

Cardholders will have online access to their account.

Send your request to increase your credit limit, with manager approval to the University Controller. All limit increases are subject to evaluation and a credit check.

The University Short Name for online access is CSUCA

Yes, however, there has been noted technical issues when trying to access using Firefox.