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Accounting Services

Meals & Incidentals

For travel taken on or after January 1, 2024, reimbursement of daily meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) for travel will be a per diem allowance based on the published Federal Government per diem for the specific location as set forth in in Appendix E: M&IE Reimbursement Limits. Travelers are eligible for 75% of the total per diem rate on the first and last day of travel. Expenses above the per diem rate will not be paid and are the responsibility of the traveler. Receipts are NOT required.

A conference agenda or meeting itinerary is required to be submitted with all travel claims. 

If the travel is approved, the full applicable per diem rates must be honored. If funding of the full per diem rate is not available for the department, then travel should not be approved. Partial per diem payments should not be made because there was only enough funding for some travel costs and not the meals and incidentals costs.

When meal expenses are paid directly by the University, are reimbursed as entertainment expenses, or are otherwise furnished to the traveler without charge (e.g. conferences, professional meetings, etc.), the maximum M&IE per diem rate authorized for travel must be adjusted.

If a meal is provided, the daily per diem amount must be reduced by the applicable meal amounts for the meal provided.

Situations that may require an adjustment include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Meals furnished as part of a conference or professional meeting;
  • Meals are furnished as part of official University entertainment (see Hospitality Policy);
  • Meal expenses are included in the event registration fee; or
  • Group expenses are billed directly to the University.

For travel taken before January 1, 2024, reimbursement of daily meal and incidental expenses for travel within the continental United States will be based on actual amounts incurred, subject to the daily maximum reimbursement cap of $55.00. The meals reimbursement cap should not be treated as a per diem. Expenditures above the cap are the responsibility of the traveler.

Itemized receipts are required for reimbursement.

Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Possessions

For travel taken before January 1, 2024, meals and incidentals for travel to Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. possessions will be based on the published Federal Government per diem for the specific location. Click here for Federal per diem rates for Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Possessions


For travel taken before January 1, 2024, lodging, meals, and incidentals for international travel will be based on the published Federal Government per diem rate for the specific location. Receipts are not required for reimbursement. Click here for Federal per diem rates for all locations.


Incidental expenses may be reimbursed up to $7.00 per day. Incidentals include actual costs of tips and fees for services such as baggage carriers, bellhops, porters, etc.

Receipts are not required for reimbursement.

Trips Less than 24-Hours

For travel taken before January 1, 2024, reimbursement for meals and incidentals for trips less than 24 hours is not allowed unless the travel includes an "overnight stay" as supported by a lodging receipt.

Meals and Incidentals FAQs